Marian Skeist
Jan 30, 2003
Shevat 27 5763
Marian was born in 1922 on the same date as her husband my Father, just 4 years later November 30th
Marian wore a flourescent red pixie haircut ( kind of like twiggy) She was a perfectionist and mastered: the violin, piano, raising african violets and orchids, She eexcelled at Bridge including a really complicated system called precision. I remember her studying French Cooking , Chinese art, photography. She mastered Golf and shot in the 80's, Dressed impeccably, kept her figure with lunches that were invariably cottage cheese and fruit. She was terribly exasperated with me for a number of reasons,: I yawned with boredom when we went clothes shopping.... for me!, Couldn't master the piano despite 10 years of lessons., I was way too interested in Boys. Soooo our college trip was entirely to girl's schools She was hoping for Smith, Holyoke, Wellsley, Bryn Mawr, etc.
She was a doting Grandmother who loved to have the kids over for a sleepover, would welcome us for every holiday.
She hated being a bookkeeper for my Dad until they were co-oping an apartment complex and for the first time she was in charge. She loved feeling professional and managed renovations and complex bookeeping and was sooo proud.
Marian loved being a country club lady and enjoyed the nice clothes and jewelry that went along with it. As my father succeeded she loved redoing kitchens, and moving into more glamorous houses. They were always also haimish and welcoming. My mom did the driving, was in charge of the checkbooks, knew names. She was on time, She loved hats and always wore them in temple.
Mom was a great cook and open to learning new dishes. I remember she mastered Coq au Vin and Boeuf Bourgignon presumably from Julia Child . She decided to learn how to ski and went to Killington for a week to learn on short skis in her 50's At around that time she quit smoking and took up Hatha Yoga. We did that together sometimes but she was able to stand on her head when I never could. She raised two sons to go to Harvard and MIT, and they become doctors... A success! She encouraged all my kids to learn the violin and after 50 years... played with them! In her 70's She hired a computer tutor and learned quickbooks and played bridge online. Truly a lifelong learner!
Marian wore a flourescent red pixie haircut ( kind of like twiggy) She was a perfectionist and mastered: the violin, piano, raising african violets and orchids, She eexcelled at Bridge including a really complicated system called precision. I remember her studying French Cooking , Chinese art, photography. She mastered Golf and shot in the 80's, Dressed impeccably, kept her figure with lunches that were invariably cottage cheese and fruit. She was terribly exasperated with me for a number of reasons,: I yawned with boredom when we went clothes shopping.... for me!, Couldn't master the piano despite 10 years of lessons., I was way too interested in Boys. Soooo our college trip was entirely to girl's schools She was hoping for Smith, Holyoke, Wellsley, Bryn Mawr, etc.
She was a doting Grandmother who loved to have the kids over for a sleepover, would welcome us for every holiday.
She hated being a bookkeeper for my Dad until they were co-oping an apartment complex and for the first time she was in charge. She loved feeling professional and managed renovations and complex bookeeping and was sooo proud.
Marian loved being a country club lady and enjoyed the nice clothes and jewelry that went along with it. As my father succeeded she loved redoing kitchens, and moving into more glamorous houses. They were always also haimish and welcoming. My mom did the driving, was in charge of the checkbooks, knew names. She was on time, She loved hats and always wore them in temple.
Mom was a great cook and open to learning new dishes. I remember she mastered Coq au Vin and Boeuf Bourgignon presumably from Julia Child . She decided to learn how to ski and went to Killington for a week to learn on short skis in her 50's At around that time she quit smoking and took up Hatha Yoga. We did that together sometimes but she was able to stand on her head when I never could. She raised two sons to go to Harvard and MIT, and they become doctors... A success! She encouraged all my kids to learn the violin and after 50 years... played with them! In her 70's She hired a computer tutor and learned quickbooks and played bridge online. Truly a lifelong learner!